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Solar Plexus Chakra Incense Set


The Solar Plexus is located in the abdominal area and is the center of your self-esteem, confidence, will-power and is the core of our personality.

Tigers Eye carries the energy of the sun and the earth that energizes you, stabilizes your emotion and can attract prosperity. This stone promotes harmony and balance, increases self confidence and assists in decision making. Tigers Eye helps release fear and makes you feel more courageous assisting your Solar Plexus Chakra in opening.

Grapefruit is helpful to move stagnant energy in the body and helps alleviate moodiness and irritability. Rosemary is used when someone is lacking inner-fire and motivation which is what the Solar Plexus Chakra is all about. When paired together these scents can increase your strength and motivation while giving you an extra boost of self-confidence.

-10 Incense Sticks
-2 Tigers Eye Stones

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